Going on a camping trip with the whole family is a very nice thing to do, especially when you are not an insider and you have not done it yet. If your family also has kids then the whole enterprise can become a really hard task to handle.

To make sure everybody is happy on the camping trip you intend to have, just add to the luggage a number of toys and games for the kids to have fun and kill time with. The trip itself can be either boring or, if there are kids in the back of the car, very challenging and tiring, not to mention the stay at the campsite.

For these reasons people who have been in such situations have come up with different solutions and tips for future parent campers. Among these one of the best solutions is represented by camping games for kids.

There are books, magazines and websites where you can find suggestions for camping games for kids which will definitely help you entertain your kids and also have fun together with them on your camping trips.

The Internet, for example has a lot of websites with suggestions, fun and games check lists and a lot of camping games for kids explained and illustrated from which you can choose many that your kids will definitely enjoy.

There are camping games for kids that will require just some imagination on your part and some that must be bought as they consist of different parts and pieces. In the following lines we will give you a list of camping games for kids.

Therefore, here are some examples of camping games for kids that you can buy from any store: Gestures, Taboo, Pictionary, Balderdash, Uno, Monopoly, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, Hearts, Scattegories, Spades, Go Fish and more.

Some of the most popular traditional camping games for kids seem to be: Tag, 20mQuestions, The Animal Game, Flag Football, I Spy with My Little Eye, Frisbee, Catch, Duck Duck Goose and others. The linguistic camping games for kids can be played both while on the campsite as well as on the way to the camping site, in the car.

Besides the camping games for kids themselves, you can turn the actual campsite chores and tasks into games with a little imagination.

Make all the activities that are not part of the entertainment side of the trip, look like camping games for kids. You will see that kids will become more responsible and eager to do the, otherwise unpleasant, chores while playing or competing with brothers or with you to perform them as fast as possible.

Lights are a highly important part of the camping gear necessary for the expedition. Thus, lanterns and flashlights could be real situation saviors at night.

The folding chairs though not compulsory items of the camping gear are still favored by the majority of tourists. Such outdoor furniture is easy to carry owing to the lightweight features, and it ensures a minimum comfort level for the campers.

Then, other optional items in the camping gear include axes, a hatchet, the camp kitchen items, trash bags and even tarp. Depending on personal preferences the range of objects you take with you can be a lot larger, given the storage space and the availability of resources.

There are additional camping gear elements that could be overlooked when preparing for the trip as such and you only understand their importance when in need. This is the case with the portable water filter for instance.

Even if you are sure that there must be clean water sources in the area where you intend to camp, there’s no harm in filtering the water and making sure that everything is perfectly safe for your health and the health of your family. Have fun!